Classic Film Reviews: Schindler’s List


A recurring Liam Neeson theme seems to be emerging; hopefully I will diversify my tastes more whenever I see my next film. I feel it would be best to begin where I left off. I’m not going to lie, I found Liam Neeson strangely attractive in this film; what that says about me I don’t know, but Liam Neeson has never been more appealing to me than when he was playing a Nazi.


Frankly, I thought the whole film smacked of anti-semitism, which was displeasing. Steven Spielberg should have known better! Jewish characters were portrayed as second-class, dirty, and were often dead or dying. Whereas Nazi characters were presented as well-fed, well-liquored, and generally jovial. It was all in poor taste.

As for the style, I was disappointed to see that the film was in black-and-white. As we all know, black-and-white films are awful – no exceptions. Someone in production clearly knew this and had made a vain attempt to rectify the situation by adding the colour red to a random little girl’s coat. This effort was transparent and had ultimately done nothing to resolve the mistake of producing a film in black-and-white.

Furthermore, this was a long film. Really long. A film that was spread out (for my copy at least) over two discs. No-one should have to swap discs in the DVD player after unhealthy amounts of genocide are spread across their television screen. Another rather tasteless attempt to limit the potential boredom factor of witnessing mass genocide for 3 HOURS was the inclusion of many boobs. Though this was appreciated, I cannot shake the feeling that this was one of those few circumstances when soft pornography was not appropriate.

To wrap up, this was a tasteless film. The mixing of anti-semitic mass genocide sequences and soft pornography makes for a morally confusing cocktail. It is on this basis that I must deem this film worthy of a:


If only for Liam Neeson’s increased sex appeal.

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