
I have made this blog to rant about some of the issues that seem to exclusively annoy me. Often I will find the things in this life that only bother me and that everyone else in the world is perfectly happy leading a well-balanced stress-free life devoid of concerns such as:

  • Should we have a Queen?
  • Is Minecraft awful?
  • Is the Christopher Nolan Batman series truly terrible?
  • Are X Factor and Justin Bieber basically okay?
  • Should we be allowed to experiment on fruit flies?

So allow me to try and chip away at your happiness and drag you into the gutter and we can have a good wallow.

Misery loves company!

This quotation by Thomas Paine sums up my typical position:

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.”

Yes, I’m aware I should get a life and you are not the first person to say! Many are bored by my rants on stuff so this seemed like the most beautiful possible way of satisfying my need to moan and everyone else’s need to be left alone. You opted-in to reading this thing! Never forget that.

As for my background, I am a studying for a PhD in Neuroscience and apparently I have  nothing better to do with my time.

Happy reading!

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